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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Realizing that you are blessed is a blessing within itself

I'm not really sure how to even start this post just because I have sat here and thought about all the things that have happened just within this last year. Many of these things have changed me and shaped me into the young adult I am today. As I have sat here and thought of all the things that I have to be thankful for I also have selfishly thought of all the things I am not thankful for... BUT as all those thoughts came through my head I realized each one had something in common... they were all hardships! No one likes a hardship they are ugly, they hurt us, and they break us and make us feel weak no matter how well we handle the situation. However, as I look back on this past year I reminisce on the lessons learned and how much i have grown closer with the Lord and that is always something I will always be so thankful for. God has amazing ways of showing us the beauty of his work.. He continually blesses me everyday with abundant amounts of his grace along with all of his love for me that is everlasting. 
  Before I left this past week for the Break I told myself that I would really sit down at the end of each day and think of all the blessings God has given me throughout my life. I was overwhelmed at how much I really am thankful for. Many of us including myself walk through our time here in this life not having a clue of how much we truly are blessed with. As sinners we take many things for granted! I know that I am  guilty everyday of going through the motions and expecting rather than being thankful! 
  As I mentioned early I reflected back on my hardships and I have come to the conclusion that i really believe that hardships have to be present in order for us to be thankful for what we do have. God's light will always guide us through and therefore a hardship should be looked at by how close we can get with God rather than " why God are you doing this to me?" I can write a list of things that I am thankful for and oddly enough hardships would be 1st on my list next to my loved ones. I have learned to become thankful for every single hardships because it has made my walk with God stronger. 

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